EARLY CHILDHOODWithAlignment Rockford
By supporting parents and caregivers, the Ready to Learn Movement is creating a stronger foundation for young children to succeed. Learn more about how we are making a difference.
What we know
The first five years of a child’s life are crucial for brain development. Research shows that experiences during this period shape a child’s ability to learn and thrive in school. By age five, the brain’s foundational architecture—critical for a lifetime of learning—is nearly complete.
Despite the importance of early childhood, institutional support for families with young children remains deeply unequal, not just in Rockford, but nationwide. Parents and caregivers are a child’s first teachers, yet they often lack access to the training, tools, and resources needed to support their child’s development.
When a child enters kindergarten unprepared, they often face long-term challenges that compound over time. Addressing this gap before it widens is essential for educational success and lifelong well-being.

What we are doing
The Ready to Learn Movement is tackling this critical issue through community collaboration. By supporting parents and caregivers, we’re creating a stronger foundation for young children to succeed.
Our three-tiered approach ensures comprehensive support for parents and caregivers at every level of need, from broad community resources to direct, personalized assistance. Here’s how it works:
Tier One:
Wide Reach, Light Touch
We focus on reaching as many families as possible with accessible resources and tools:
Basics Insights Texting
Over 250 families have registered for this free weekly texting service, providing them with tips and resources for early learning.
Basics Illinois Website
This platform serves as a hub for early childhood development resources, making support available to all.
Ready to Learn with the Basics Books
Created in collaboration with partners like RPS 205, Rockford Public Library, and Discovery Center Museum and published by Alignment Rockford, these books offer advice, encouragement, and early learning tips for parents based on the principles of the Basics.
Ready to Learn with the Basics Kits:
In partnership with UW-Health SwedishAmerican and OSF Saint Anthony, we distribute these kits to over 3,000 mothers annually in the mother-baby unit, which also serves Crusader Clinic OB/GYN deliveries. These kits include:
Developmental toys
Ready to Learn with the Basics Book funded by United Way of Rock River Valley
Parenting resources and tips
Board Book provided by United Way of Rock River Valley
Ready to Learn Spaces
As a collective effort to nurture early learning and healthy childhood development in the Rockford area, the Ready to Learn Movement, in partnership with Illinois Action for Children, has installed Ready to Learn Read, Play & Learn Spaces across Rockford. Community “living rooms,” stocked with toys, learning tools, and books, the spaces are geared toward children ages 0-5
Tier TWO:
Parent Support
We provide deeper, sustained support for parents and caregivers through:
Parenting Classes:
Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, Circle of Security and The Incredible Years programs have expanded to reach more families across Rockford.
Classes are held in collaboration with our partner organizations such as Rockford Public School District 205, Brightpoint, Rockford Dream Center, and others.
Discovery Center First-Time Parent Program
The First-Time Parent Program offers free Discovery Center Children’s Museum membership for two adults and infant(s) with unlimited admission to the museum for the first 18 months of a child’s life. Families are invited to join and participate in playgroups held monthly to connect with other parents and form relationships with the community along with other opportunities.
Direct Support
For families needing personalized assistance, we connect them with the help they need through:
Coordinated Referral Intake:
A single point of entry system allows parents and caregivers to request support through an online form on the Alignment Rockford website.
Referrals are handled by the Youth Mental Health System of Care (YMHSOC) team, who provide “warm hand-offs” to appropriate agencies.
Resources and intake forms are shared widely through Tier One and Tier Two interactions.
Onboarding the IRIS System:
We are part of the roll-out taskforce for IRIS, a formalized local referral system. Our coordinated intake process is designed to transition seamlessly into this new system as it becomes active in the community.
Winning Start Winnebago
Universal Home Visiting Program for all babies born in Winnebago County
Developed in partnership with the Winnebago County Health Department, RPS 205, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, UW-Health Swedish American, OSF Saint Anthony and Mercy Health, along other organizations
Launches June, 2025
Through this tiered approach, the Ready to Learn Movement is creating a holistic system of support for families, ensuring every parent and caregiver has the tools they need to help their children thrive.
Data-Driven Solutions
Our efforts are guided by high-quality community data. As the Winnebago County administrator of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) and the Middle Development Instrument (MDI), Alignment Rockford collects and publishes community level data to help understand the strengths and needs of families with young children. As we prepare for a new survey cycle in 2025, we’re expanding EDI data collection to additional communities in Winnebago County, ensuring an even more comprehensive understanding of family needs.
Alignment Rockford is leading the county of Winnebago toward the launch of a Universal Home Visiting Program for all babies born in Winnebago County by the end of 2025. Developed in partnership with the Winnebago County Health Department, RPS 205, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, UW-Health Swedish American, OSF Saint Anthony and Mercy Health, along other organizations, Winning Start Winnebago will ensure every family receives the support they need during their child’s critical early years.
Together, through the Ready to Learn Movement, we’re building a future where every child has the opportunity to thrive from day one.
Ready to Learn is a community-wide early childhood initiative comprised of organizations, businesses, and individuals. To learn more about our partnerships, visit our Partners and Sponsors page.
Be a part of the Ready to Learn Initiative! Host a Ready to Learn Space, become a facilitator for family classes, or help us reach more families!
DONATE! Research shows the return on investment for early childhood is higher than any other age group. For every dollar invested in early childhood, $13 is saved in intervention.